Sunday, December 13, 2009

8 Portable Dvd Player Great Little Dvd Player For Our Car. Portable Dvd Player Woes?

Portable dvd player woes? - 8 portable dvd player great little dvd player for our car.

Aight, so I venturer 8 inch portable DVD player a year ago. Was great, played great and all, but lately, making horrible noises and the button "Play" only works when he wants. Participants to send before I called and told me I had and $ 20 for the repair.

Because I am a college student, I have virtually no time or money to send this thing, and if you buy something, I want high quality.

Now you can find DVD player for about $ 50 now, my question would be better if I fix it or just buy a new one? (If so, could you recommend one) for me

Thank you!


tinicum5... said...

In any case, go to a new one. Try a good brand, Panasonic, Toshiba, etc. to obtain

tinicum5... said...

In any case, go to a new one. Try a good brand, Panasonic, Toshiba, etc. to obtain

tinicum5... said...

In any case, go to a new one. Try a good brand, Panasonic, Toshiba, etc. to obtain

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